
The Multifaceted World of Software Development

12 Dec 2023

Web Development Software development refers to the process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug-fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components. While web application development is a significant part of software development, the...

Resolving Challenges with Design Patterns

30 Nov 2023

The Road to Building a Stable environment In the world of software development, which is always changing, design patterns have become key tools. They provide well-tested, standard ways to solve common software design problems. These patterns are more than just...

The Importance of AI

21 Nov 2023

AI is Here to Stay As AI continues to improve more people will learn about it and use it. Many believe that AI is detrimental to students’ learning which can be the case, but it can also help by assisting...

My Dive into Bootstrap 5

05 Oct 2023

Surpisingly Hard When I first discovered Bootstrap 5, with its reputation for simplifying web development, I was genuinely enthusiastic. The idea of effortlessly learning it and swiftly creating websites sounded appealing. Yet, my experience was somewhat different. Contrary to my...

Standards Must be Kept

21 Sep 2023

First Steps After my first week of using IntelliJ, I’ve become increasingly acquainted with the IDE and its array of features. While I’m still in the process of mastering the keyboard shortcuts, I’m optimistic that over time, they’ll become second...

Smart Questions, Better help

07 Sep 2023

Mental Roadblocks As software developers, we often encounter roadblocks that hinder our progress in writing code. In such situations, seeking assistance from others becomes essential to overcome these obstacles and regain our momentum. To maximize the chances of receiving helpful...

What About Software Engineering

01 Sep 2023

My Journey When I was younger, I never really questioned how websites functioned, let alone the intricacies of the internet itself. I simply took them for granted as part of the way the world worked. However, as I embarked on...

Getting Behind Javascript

30 Aug 2023

Where I Stand For me personally it has been a while since I last touched any form of coding. I have been introduced to all of the major programing languages like python,C++, and javascript. However for the past year I...